DC Buyer's Guide

Motor Cutaway Kinamatic

Brush Rigging ~ 5XT[S _a^eT] STbXV] cWPc aT`dXaTb ]^ PSYdbc\T]c ~ 7TPeh RPbc QadbW W^[STab fXcW `dXRZ aT[TPbT QadbW b_aX]Vb provide for easy maintenance ~ 2^]bcP]c _aTbbdaT b_aX]Vb bcPQX[XiT QadbW R^]cPRc c^ ensure proper commutation and improve brush wear Conduit Box ~ 4PbX[h PRRTbbXQ[T ~ >eTabXiTS UPQaXRPcTS bcTT[ Q^g ~ AdQQTa VPbZTcTS \^d]cX]V P]S R[P\ bWT[[ ~ 1a^]iT Va^d]SX]V [dV ~ A^cPcPQ[T "% — P]S 5! \^d]cX]V RP_PQX[XcXTb \PZT UXT[S adaptation easy in any application Insulation ~ 2[Pbb 5 bhbcT\ fXcW 2[Pbb 7 R^\_^]T]cb ~ FXcWbcP]Sb TUUTRcb ^U \TRWP]XRP[ bW^RZ eXQaPcX^] and contamination ~ ;^]V [XUT Pc aPcTS [^PSb E G F ~ 2^\\dcPc^a T]S 2 UPRT ~ BWPUc bdXcPQ[T U^a cPRW^\TcTa P]S b_TTS [X\Xc bfXcRW ~ 3aX[[TS P]S cP__TS \^d]cX]V W^[Tb Lifting Lugs ~ FT[STS X]c^ UaP\T ^] 23! 0C 23$ 0H UaP\Tb ~ 2Pbc X] T]SQT[[ ^] 23 ' 0C UaP\T ~ ;XUcX]V bhbcT\ Xb bPUTa cWP] P bX]V[T ThTQ^[c [XUcX]V bhbcT\ I H Accessory Mounting Face

Motor Pricing General Information

Coils ~ AP]S^\ F^d]S 2^X[b - Frames CD180AT - CD329AT J

- Wrapped with Mylar* composite and fiberglass tapes - Dip and bake process allows varnish to penetrate the windings ~ CA42 CP_T ATX]U^aRTS 4]RP_bd[PcTS 2^]bcadRcX^] 2^X[b - Frames CD360AT - CD5010AY

Other Information Application Information Outline Dimensions Accessories and Modifications

- Tightly seals coil to the pole, resisting outside contamination, vibration, impact and wear - Excellent heat transfer extends motor life - Engineered to withstand thermal expansion and contraction



GEP387-EN 07/19 Prices and data subject to change without notice.

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