DC Buyer's Guide
Application Information CD180AT-CD6900 Frames
Thrust Loads Due to the mounting position or type of drive arrangement, a thrust load may be applied to the motor shaft. The Kinamatic motor is designed to permit a limited amount of thrust load. This permissible load will vary by mounting position and direction of the load due to the weight of the armature. Bearing Life Factor vs. Speed
Information Outline Dimensions Mounting may be either horizontal or vertical for these bearing life determinations as long as no axial load other than the weight of the armature is present if vertical. Special Load Considerations Where the load is overhung beyond the motor shaft extension or greater life is desired, the application should be referred to Wolong . Pinion Drives While Kinamatic motors are not designed for overhung pinion drives, they may be successfully applied under suitable conditions. In addition to a radial load, some gears produce thrust load on the bearing. Vibrations, particularly of the torsional variety, are limiting on some spur or straight bevel gear applications. Complete details of the proposed gearing should be referred to Wolong in all cases. Modifications Motor Pricing General Information However, applications with a calculated life of as low as 5,000 hours have sometimes been necessary to limit belt speeds to 6,000 feet per minute. The curves are drawn for 1750 RPM average speed. If the application has some other average speed, the life can be adjusted by multiplying by the bearing life factor curve. (See curve on right) 8c Xb X\_^acP]c c^ Z]^f cWPc QTPaX]V [XUT U^a E QT[c applications is independent of the motor load. Once the belts have been tightened just enough to prevent slipping when the maximum torque is being delivered by the motor, the radial load, W, on the shaft and bearing is there and remains constant regardless of the motor load. For timing belts and chain drives, the radial load, W, does vary somewhat with motor load and so the motor load duty cycle, as well as the average speed should be considered to estimate bearing life. If slippage occurs after the belt tension has been correctly adjusted, the belts and pulleys have not been chosen properly for the job. 1T[c cT]bX^] bW^d[S QT RWTRZTS P]S PSYdbcTS U^[[^fX]V cWT belt manufacturer’s recommendations. There is normally a drop in tension during the first 24 to 48 hours of operation. During this “run in” period, the belts seat themselves in the sheave grooves and initial stretch is aT\^eTS 1T[c cT]bX^] bW^d[S QT aT RWTRZTS PUcTa P SPh ^a two of operation. 3.0 2.0 1.5 L10 LIFE FACTOR .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 1000 300 500 700 2000 3000 4000 5000 Accessories and AVERAGE RPM Application Other Information 5.6 www.wolongamerica.com GEP387-EN 07/19 Prices and data subject to change without notice.
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