DC Buyer's Guide
Accessories and Modifications CD180AT through CD6900
8c DISC BRAKES — CRANE APPLICATIONS Brakes used on the gantry or trolley function on dockside, portal, or queue cranes require special brakes. Order must specify crane duty and whether trolley or gantry. The features listed below are included on crane duty brakes.
Motor Pricing General Information
Standard Crane Duty Brake Features include: ~ B_[X]TS WdQb IX]R _[PcTS P]S SXbRb ~ BcPX][Tbb bcTT[ bT[U PSYdbcX]V PbbT\Q[h ~ 5d[[ \TRWP]XRP[ aT[TPbT fXcW bXST \^d]cTS aT[TPbT [TeTa Note: Release is not self-resetting ~ BcPX][Tbb bcTT[ WPaSfPaT ~ B_PRT WTPcTab ~ 1aPZT X]cTa[^RZ bfXcRW ~ 3dbc cXVWc fPcTa_a^^U T]R[^bdaT ~ $% [TPS [T]VcWb
When specifying vertical or horizontal, add as follows:
Motor Mounted Brake AC Coil Dust Tight/Waterproof List Price Addition
Other Information Application Information Outline Dimensions Accessories and Modifications
Lb. Ft.
Trolley $5238 $6048 $6992 $12762 $13099 $13774 $14583* $15798*
50 75
$5751 $6561 $7545 $13538 $13875 $14651 $15460* $16945*
$5238 $6048 $6992
105 125 175 230 330 440
$17022* $17359* $18034* $18843* $20058*
* Includes fabricated commutator endshield. Lb. Ft. Torque = HP x 5252 Motor base speed (RPM)
Viton Gasket: To replace standard neoprene gasket. Proximity Switch: To replace standard brake interlock switch (microswitch).
Breather Drain: To replace standard drain plug. Terminal Board: C^ aT_[PRT $% [TPS [T]VcWb
List Price Addition Proximity Switch
Brake Rating
Viton Gasket
Breather Drain
Terminal Board
105 Ft. Lb. and Smaller 125 Ft. Lb. and Larger
$138 $220
$1855 $3767
$552 $614
$180 $180
GEP387-EN 07/19 Prices and data subject to change without notice.
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