DC Buyer's Guide

Accessories and Modifications CD180AT through CD6900



17 ENDSHIELDS Standard NEMA Type C-Face and Type D-Flange dimensions are shown on the dimensions pages. Refer to Wolong for CD6000-CD6900 frames. Where oil will be above the bottom of the horizontal shaft, including splashing or spraying, a special shaft seal is required. (Refer to page 3.18, Item 22 for shaft seal.)

Modifications Motor Pricing General Information

17a Type C-Face Endshields are available on frames CD320AT and below. NEMA does not specify C-Face dimensions for CD365AT-CD5010AY frames. The desired C-Face dimensions must be approved by Wolong and specified with the order. 17b Type D-Flange Endshields are available on frames CD5010AY and below. Available on frame 5010AY if supported by feet. 17c P-Base Adapters — NEMA does not specify P-Base dimensions for DC motors. The desired P-Base dimensions must be approved by Wolong and specified with the order. The factory will use an adapter on a D-Flange (price included in P-Base adder) to achieve desired dimensions. Apply adder from page 3.31, Item 33 for vertical mounting. If special drive end shaft dimensions are required, see page 3.19, Item 24 for adder. NEMA Type C-Face Endshield

MOTOR FRAME SIZE CD180AT CD210AT CD250AT CD280AT CD320AT CD360AT CD400AT CD500AT CD5010AY List Price Addition


Accessories and

$172 † $216 $648

a. Type C-Face b. Type D-Flange c. P-Base Adapter

$502 $964



$1100 $1282 $3328

$7308 ‡‡

$7308 ‡‡

$1060 $2312

$1706 $2774

$5356 $6652

$6644 $8636




† 5^a 23 ' 0C UaP\Tb _[TPbT b_TRXUh # $ ^a ' $ 2 5PRT ‡ Contact Wolong ‡‡ On CD5010AY frames, motor must also be supported by feet.

The following chart details the standard endshield material used on Kinamatic motors. Non-standard Kinamatic motors manufactured for special applications may not use standard endshield material. Refer to Wolong for non-standard motors.

Information Outline Dimensions



a. Standard Drive End

Cast Iron Cast Iron

Ductile Iron

Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Fabricated Steel Fabricated Steel Fabricated Steel

Not Available Not Available Not Available

b. C-Face Drive End

Cast Iron Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Fabricated Steel Fabricated Steel

Fabricated Steel Fabricated Steel

Fabricated Steel Fabricated Steel

c. D-Flange Drive End

Cast Iron Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Cast Iron


d. P-Base Drive End

Cast Iron Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Cast Iron

e. Commutator End

Cast Iron Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Cast Iron

Price addition for fabricated steel (per endshield) is as follows: Motor Frame Size List Price Addition CD210AT-CD320AT $2412

CD360AT CD400AT CD500AT CD5010AY

$3600 $4268 $4826

Other Information

Not Available

Fabricated steel is available.


www.wolong america .com

GEP387-EN 07/19 Prices and data subject to change without notice.

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