DC Buyer's Guide
Air Flow Schematics CD180AT-CD6900 Frames
Dripproof Fully Guarded, Self-Ventilated (DPFG)
Dripproof Fully Guarded*, Blower Ventilated (DPFG-BV)
Motor Pricing General Information
(CD218AT-CD5010AY frames have blower mounted on commutator end.) *Could also be Splashproof Fully Guarded.
Blower positions and optional blower locations based on the position of the conduit box. Frame Size 180AT 210AT to 5010AY CD6000 to CD6900 CB Location Blower Locations Available Top F1 CE-F1, F2 DE-F1, F2 F1 N/A CE-F2, top DE-F2, top F2 N/A CE-F1, top DE-F1, top NOTE: CE = comm end, DE = drive end
Other Information Application Information Outline Dimensions Accessories and Modifications
F1 = right side when viewed from the motor comm end, feet down F2 = left side when viewed from the motor comm end, feet down
Dripproof Fully Guarded, Separately Ventilated (DPFG-SV)
GEP387-EN 07/19
Prices and data subject to change without notice.
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