DC Buyer's Guide
Pump Motors CD180AT through CD6900 Frames
DC Motors with armature voltages from 105-130 Volts in most cases are used in pump applications. These are special motors built to pump manufacturer specifications. Because of the low armature voltage these motors have special electrical designs and in many cases frame sizes are larger than standard. If a model number is not available, a request for motors in this voltage range must be accompanied by the following information. Pump motors operated from DC potential busses or batteries will show significant speed variations from nominal when the motor is cold and when the applied voltage varies below nominal.
Typically Motor RPM will be lower than nameplate speed (approximately 10-15%) when cold and increase to name- plate RPM as main field reaches operating temperature. To reduce the cold to hot speed variations, the shunt fields should be energized at 50 to 70% of rated voltage to stabilize. However, for ‘emergency’ pump motor applications, where field pre-heating may not be feasible, the pump capacity must be sized to the cold start RPM. Also at lower than nominal voltage the motor will run slower than nameplate RPM, while conversely the motor will run higher than nameplate RPM when voltage is higher than nominal.
Modifications Motor Pricing General Information Where Used: Customer: PUMP FORM
2 Altitude Feet (Standard is 3300 feet) Temperature Rise: Accessories and Horsepower: Base Speed: S Class F S Class B Enclosure: S DPFG S TENV S TEFC Service Factor: S 1.0 S 1.15 S Explosionproof S Waterproof Rotation: S CW S CCW S Reversing Duty: S Cont . S 60 Min. S 30 Min. Space Heater: Heater Voltage S 120V Power Supply: S Battery S Constant Voltage S 240V S Other Armature Voltage: Volts Thermostat: S N.C. S N.O. S None Field Voltage: Volts If Battery Supply: Anticipated Voltage Swing From Nominal +/– What %? Minimum Cold Running Speed and Voltage Conduit Box: S Waterproof Conduit Box Location: (as viewed from comm end of motor) S Right Side S Left Side S Top Mounting: S Vertical Shaft Up S Standard S Oversize Information Outline Dimensions RPM Voltage Mounting Flange S C-Face S Vertical Shaft Down (If required) S D-Flange Field Winding: S Shunt S Compound S Stabilized Shunt S Horizontal S P-Base Drawings must be supplied for P-Base Application Other Information 1.12 www.gemotorswolong.com GEP387-EN 07/19 Prices and data subject to change without notice.
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