DC Buyer's Guide
Accessories and Modifications CD180AT through CD6900
Information Outline Dimensions Modifications Motor Pricing General Information 16c SPLASHPROOF FULLY GUARDED (SPFG) (FOR SEPARATELY VENTILATED OR SELF-VENTILATED FULLY GUARDED MOTORS) Provides for bolted-on splash covers to meet NEMA Standard MG-1-2009, Part 1.25.2. The covers are constructed to prevent liquids and solid particles from entering in a straight line at any angle not greater than 60° from the vertical. This does not apply to motors operated in a vertical position. For these applications, refer to Wolong . For CD180AT frames, splash - proof fully guarded, separately ventilated is only available when horizontally mounted. 16d SPLASHPROOF FULLY GUARDED (FOR BLOWER VENTILATED, FULLY GUARDED MOTORS) For splash - proof fully guarded, blower ventilated, list price additions for Modifications a. and d. must both be added. Provides for bolted-on splash covers to meet NEMA Standard MG-1-2009, Part 1.25.2. The covers are constructed to prevent liquids and solid particles from entering in a straight line at any angle not greater than 60° from the vertical. In addition, on CD6000-CD6900 frames with a splash - proof fully guarded, blower ventilated enclosures, splash - proof hoods are required to cover the blower air inlets. See page 4.37 for outline dimensions of frames CD6000-CD6900 with a splash - proof, fully guarded blower ventilated enclosure. This does not apply to motors operated in a vertical position. For these applications, refer to Wolong . For CD180AT frames, splash - proof fully guarded, blower ventilated is only available when horizontally mounted. 16e WATERPROOF (WP) For use where motors are required to exclude water applied from a hose and for outdoor application. (Do not use where ice may form on fan of TEFC motors or generators.) Waterproof features are not available in TEAAC or TEWAC. Standard waterproof features for frames CDL182AT-CD5010AY (TEFC, TENV, and TEAO) include: ~ B_^c UPRTS bdaUPRTb ^] UaP\T d]STa cWT _^[T Q^[cb ~ FPbWTab d]STa _^[T Q^[cb ~ 3aPX] W^[Tb Pc [^f _^X]c ^U \PRWX]T ~ ?^[hdaTcWP]T _PX]c ~ B_TRXP[ ]T^_aT]T VPbZTcTS WTPeh WP]SW^[S R^eTab fXcW machined surfaces on cover and bearing bracket ~ FPcTa_a^^U R^]SdXc Q^g fXcW cP__TS R^]SdXc T]caP]RT W^[T and machined mating surfaces (Not on CD180AT. On CD180AT frames the conduit box is built into the endshield.) ~ BTP[TS UaP\T UXcb P]S b_TRXP[ caTPc\T]c ^U P[[ \PcX]V surfaces ~ ;X_ ch_T adQQX]V bTP[b ^] Q^cW ^dcQ^PaS QTPaX]Vb (where applicable) ~ 2^aa^bX^] aTbXbcP]c WPaSfPaT Totally Enclosed Nonventilated Waterproof (TENV-WP) (Frame CD407ATY shown above)
Accessories and
Space heaters are recommended for all waterproof motors.
Other Information
www.gemotorswolong.com GEP387-EN 07/19 Prices and data subject to change without notice.
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