Standard Motor Catalog
Section VP Vertical Pump Motors
Ultra ™ TEFC Vertical Hollow Shaft Inverter Duty with Bearing Fluting Protection (40HP and up) Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) Premium Efficient Pricing
Volts: 230/460, 460 HP: 5 - 700
Motor List Price
Coupling BX
Coupling Key
Price Symbol
Normally Stocked
Thrust Down Cat. No.
Notes 51, 111 51, 111 51, 111 51, 111 51, 111 51, 111 51, 111 51, 111 51, 111
HP RPM Volts Frame
Model No.
V4022 5KS213SAE5035 $6,081 1.000 0.250 G6-7VHS N V4026 5KS213SAE6056 $5,751 1.000 0.250 G6-7VHS N V4023 5KS213SAE5036 $6,175 1.000 0.250 G6-7VHS N V4027 5KS213SAE6054 $6,266 1.000 0.250 G6-7VHS N V4024 5KS215SAE5027 $7,033 1.000 0.250 G6-7VHS N V4028 5KS215SAE6042 $6,786 1.000 0.250 G6-7VHS N V4025 5KS254SAE5033 $7,900 1.000 0.250 G6-7VHS N V4029 5KS254SAE6057 $10,016 1.000 0.250 G6-7VHS N V4030 5KS256SAE6062 $10,516 1.000 0.250 G6-7VHS N V4735 5KS256SAE7026 $9,350 1.000 0.250 G6-7VHS N 51, 110, 113, 132
5 3600 230/460 L213TP10 1,663 5 1800 230/460 L213TP10 2,071 7.5 3600 230/460 L213TP10 1,658 7.5 1800 230/460 L213TP10 2,071 10 3600 230/460 L215TP10 1,658 10 1800 230/460 L215TP10 2,065 10 1200 460 L256TP10 2,958 15 3600 230/460 L254TP10 2,070 15 1800 230/460 L254TP10 2,570 20 1800 230/460 L256TP10 2,597 25 3600 230/460 L284TP10 2,363 25 1800 230/460 L284TP16 2,976 25 1200 460 L324TP12 7,177 30 1800 230/460 L286TP16 2,959 30 1200 460 L326TP12 7,177 40 1800 230/460 L324TP16 6,324 40 1800 230/460 L324TP16 6,324 40 1800 230/460 L324TP16 6,324 40 1800 230/460 L324TP16 6,324 40 1200 460 L364TP16 7,078 50 1800 230/460 L326TP16 6,324 50 1800 230/460 L326TP16 6,324 50 1200 460 L365TP16 7,078 20 1200 460 L286TP10 3,379
51, 110, 113, 132, 166
V4736 5KS286SAE7035 $15,224 1.000 0.250 G6-7VHS N
V4052 5KS284SAE5038 $12,137 1.000 0.250 G6-7VHS N V4031 5KS284SAE6054 $12,137 1.000 0.250 G6-7VHS N
51, 111 51, 111
V4734 5KS324SAJ7029 $18,479 1.250 0.250 G6-7VHS N 51, 110, 113, 132
V4032 5KS286SAE6061 $13,238 1.000 0.250 G6-7VHS N
51, 111
V4737 5KS326SAJ7033 $20,916 1.250 0.250 G6-7VHS N 51, 110, 113, 132 V4726 5KS324SAJ6050 $16,069 1.188 0.250 G6-7VHS N 51, 111, 113, 132 V4733 5KS324SAJ6054 $16,069 1.000 0.250 G6-7VHS N 51, 111, 113, 132 V4732 5KS324SAJ6052 $16,069 1.188 0.250 G6-7VHS N 51, 111, 113, 132 V4711 5KS324SAJ6005 $16,069 1.250 0.250 G6-7VHS N 51, 111, 113, 132 V4748 5KS364SAJ7039 $26,494 1.250 0.250 G6-7VHS N 51, 110, 113, 132 V4728 5KS326SAJ6054 $18,188 1.000 0.250 G6-7VHS N 51, 111, 113, 132 V4712 5KS326SAJ6005 $18,188 1.250 0.250 G6-7VHS Y 51, 111, 113, 132 V4738 5KS365SAJ7037 $31,588 1.250 0.250 G6-7VHS N 51, 110, 113, 132
51, 110, 113, 132, 167
V4713 5KS364SAJ6008 $23,038 1.250 0.250 G6-7VHS N
60 1800 460 L364TP16 5,700
V4745 5KS404SAJ7036 $41,382 1.500 0.375 G6-7VHS N 51, 110, 113, 132
60 1200 460 L404TP16 8,538
51, 110, 113, 132, 167
V4714 5KS365SAJ6008 $27,468 1.250 0.250 G6-7VHS N
75 1800 460 L365TP16 5,700
V4722 5KS405SAJ7008 $58,644 1.250 0.375 G6-7VHS N 51, 110, 113, 132
75 1200 460 L405TP16 8,500
The motor list price includes “Standard” sized NRR and SRC. Additional sizes are available at additional cost. Notes: 51 Space Heater, 115V/60 Hz 110 Usable on 380 volts, 50 Hz at 1.0 Service Factor and derated to next lower HP 111 Usable on 190/380 volts, 50 Hz at 1.0 Service Factor and derated to next lower HP 113 Aegis Shaft Grouding ring on bearing cap (40-100HP) 114 Insulated Upper Bearing Carrier and Aegis Shaft Grounding ring on bearing cap (125HP and greater) 132 Includes NC Winding Thermostats
166 137 cubic inch conduit box 167 346 cubic inch conduit box 195 Includes 100 ohm winding RTDs
Data subject to change without notice. 02/25 •
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