Standard Motor Catalog
Section TR Technical Reference Guide
LOAD CALCULATIONS Belt Driven Application Analysis
Belt and Sheave Manufacturers and their distributors typically provide a Load Analysis Data Output Sheet to the end user/OEM as a technical service. When requesting a quotation, Wolong America suggests the Load Analysis Data Output Sheet be provided in addition to this form for a complete motor shaft and bearing analysis.
End User: Application information (e.g. fan, pump, crusher): Type of Driven Load (e.g. variable torque, constant torque, constant horsepower): Motor Rating - Required Horsepower: Frame Size: Motor Enclosure: Voltage: Shaft Orientation (e.g. horizontal, vertical shaft up, vertical shaft down): Belt information - Required Distance between face of motor endshield and center line of motor sheave width (L): Inertia of driven load referred to the motor shaft (lb-ft 2 ) (required for centrifuge): The following is not required when a Load Analysis Data Output sheet is provided: Option A
Motor sheave pitch diameter (Dm): Driven sheave pitch diameter (DI): Center-to-center distance between sheaves (C-C) Motor shaft height vs. driven shaft (H): Width of motor sheave (W): Weight of motor sheave (lbs): Belt service factor: Belt Type (e.g. 5V, 3VX): Number of belts: Option B Radial Load/Belt Pull (lbs): This page must be completed for: A. 720 RPM and slower motors (10 or more poles) B. 447T and larger frame sizes C. Non-standard L 10 values D. Customer requests
Data subject to change without notice. 02/25 •
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