Standard Motor Catalog

Section TR Technical Reference Guide

LOAD CONNECTION TYPES OF CONNECTION Two methods of mechanical connection of the motor to the driven load are commonly used: 1. Direct Connection Direct connection should always be considered where the required load speed coincides with an available motor speed. The preferred practice is to use a flexible coupling, which will allow a slight amount of misalign ment and minimize transmission of thrust to the motor bearings. Axial thrust loads are commonly encountered when a pump impeller or fan is mounted on the motor shaft. They also occur in direct connected helial gear drives and when the motor is mounted vertically or in an inclined position where any weight other than the rotor is supported by the motor shaft. Refer to Table 26 for recommended maximum axial thrust loads for horizontal ball-bearing motor with typical bearing sizes.

2. Belt, Chain and Gear Drives When connecting a motor to its load with this type of drive, proper selection is necessary to limit bearing loads within radial load capacities. Tables 27 and 28 provide recommended minimum V-belt sheave diameters for 60 and 50 HZ motors. Tables 27 and 28 indicates the approximate radial forces corresponding to a belt tight ened sufficiently to prevent slippage. Additional tension will increase the radial force and decrease bearing life. For A-B-C-D-E belts, the center line of the pulley should not extend beyond the end of the shaft. For 3V-5V-8V belts, the centerline of the pulley should not be any closer to the end of the shaft than 1/2 the V dimension of the shaft. Requests are made accordingly for parameters not labeled in these tables. Belt and sheave manufactureres and their distributers typcally provide a Load Analysis Data sheet as a technical service. Regardless of who is asked, the following information is necessary.

Table 26: Axial Thrust (pounds) for Horizontal Motors

3600 RPM

1800 RPM

1200 RPM

900 RPM










182-184 213-215 254-256 284-286 324-326 364-365 404-405 444-445

6206 6307 6309 6310 6210 6213 6313 6314 6314 6315

140 250 405 460 230 390 375 760 705 705

6206 6307 6309 6310 6210 6213 6313 6314 6314 6318 6318 6320

165 335 500 625 290 485 435

6206 6307 6309 6310 6210 6213 6313 6314 6314 6318 6318 6320

220 375 670 770 395 630 590

6206 6307 6309 6310 6210 6213 6313 6314 6314 6318 6318 6320

245 425 710 790 325 635 710


1205 1115 1275 1290 1360

1400 1325 1445 1260

449 509 511 513


1175 1030 1265


6315 1450 Note: Table 26 assumes no external radial loading on the shaft. Thrust values in Table 26 represent the maximum permissible to provide a 25,000 hour L 10 life in accordance with ABMA calculations. 620


Data subject to change without notice. 02/25 •

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